المُعلن مميزة

عياد لنقل وترحيل المنازل

نقليات - خدمات عامة

عياد لنقل وترحيل المنازل


لصاحبهاابو يوسف عياد
بإدارةابو يوسف عياد
الفرع الرئيسي رام الله والبيرة - البيرة - مقابل سوبرماركت الاعتماد
  • موبايل: 0597018801 - 0528869546
  • اختصاصنا ترحيل المنازل #
  • نقدم خدمه ترحيل المنازل بما يشمل ذلك من فك وتركيب غرف النوم والبوفيهات وطاولات السفره والاجهزه الكهربائيه وتغليفها بالنايلون والكرتون والمحافظه عليها
  • .تتم عمليه فك وتركيب الاثاث بايدي نجاريين وفنيين مدربيين ومهره الافضل في هذا المجال وعلى درجه عاليه من الاتقان والمهاره
  • .تشمل الخدمه كافه المناطق من الشمال الى الجنوب وضواحي القدس
  • .اتصلوا على (0597018801)او (0528869546) واحجزوا لدينا لترو منا ما يسركم
  • .نحن نريحك من عمليه النقل المتعبه ونوفر عليك الوقت والجهد والمال لا تتردد نحن العنوان
  • .عياد لنقل الاثاث المنزلي والمكتبي خبره اكثر من 20 عام في هذا المجال
  • .لا تتردد نحن العنوان والتجربه اكبر برهان
  • .هل تريد السفر وتخزين الاثاث بطريقه تضمن المحافظه عليه مهما طالت غيبتك؟ نحن نغلف اثاثك وننقله ونقوم بترتيبه بطريقه تقيه من التلف ونمنع تلويح قواطع غرف النوم والبوفيهات .
  • (هدفنا تقديم افضل خدمه لزبائننا الكرام )
  • Furniture Moving Servicess
  • Moving furniture takes special planning and requires acute care for safe and secure transport, especially when it comes to oversized pieces of furniture or antiques. As a dedicated leading furniture mover of , ayyad Moving and Delivery has the experience and expertise to handle your special furniture pieces and ensure a successful move regardless of the size and weight of your unique items.
  • In many cases, moving furniture can require specialized equipment and materials such as dollies, lifts and packing materials. Our team of skilled professionals is trained to carefully pack and deliver your furniture safely and timely.
  • Our dedicated furniture movers work with you to helpmove,disassemble and prepare your furniture for safe transit ayyad Moving and Delivery understands the monetary a
  • sentimental value of all our clients’ belongings which is why we guarantee safe transportation and pristine, timely delivery.
  • Some of the most common furniture items we move are:
  • Sofas and sectionals
  • Large appliances
  • Wall units and bookshelves
  • Dining tables
  • Antiques
  • For pieces that require extra attention or have multiple parts, like wall units and sectional sofas, ayyad Moving and Delivery will supply you with the proper manpower to facilitate a safe disassembly of all items. If we forecast any concerns prior to disassembly, we will discuss with you to determine the best course of action for your belongings. Additionally, we make sure that furniture items with many parts and hardware are properly labeled and organized. We also keep instructions with the furniture piece on how to reassemble the items back to their original form.
  • Once your furniture has safely been delivered to its new home, we will reassemble and verify the integrity of the finished assembly for the safety of all furniture pieces. We also fix or repair any minor loose joints or stripped connections during reassembly.
  • As a trusted furniture moving company, ayyad Moving Co. is committed to providing outstanding customer service at all times by only employing skilled moving professionals. Our goal is to provide you with the best moving experience possible

مركز حنين للخدمات

خدمات عامة

رام الله والبيرة - المنارة

مركز حنين للخدمات

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رام الله والبيرة - ام الشرايط

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