Surface Area
Rental period
Main Amenities
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محلات تجارية للايجار
Surface Area: 300 m2, Monthly , Landlord

مخزن للايجار بيتونيا مساحة 400 متر
Surface Area: 400 m2, Monthly , Storage , Restaurant , Landlord

مخازن للايجار
Surface Area: 60 m2, Yearly , School , Landlord

اسامة خالد
Surface Area: 50 m2, Monthly , Landlord

مخزن للايجار
Surface Area: 70 m2, Yearly , Garage Parking , Agent

مخزن 35 متر للتخزين فقط
Surface Area: 35 m2, Monthly , Electric Shutters , Garage Parking , Supermarket , Landlord

مخزن للايجار في بيتونيا 17
Surface Area: 50 m2, Monthly , Landlord

مخازن للايجار
Surface Area: 50 m2, Monthly , Built in Wardrobes , Storage , Supermarket , Landlord

مخزن للايجار
Surface Area: 30 m2, Yearly , Storage , Restaurant , Landlord
Recommended Listings
مخزن للايجار
Surface Area: 30 m2, Yearly , Storage , Restaurant , Landlord

مخزن 80م للإيجار في الخليل الحاووز الثاني خلف المهندس سنتر
Surface Area: 80 m2, Monthly , Electric Shutters , Facilities for the Disabled , School , Landlord

مخازن للايجار
Surface Area: 50 m2, Monthly , Built in Wardrobes , Storage , Supermarket , Landlord

مخازن للايجار موقع مميز وحيوي
Surface Area: 100 m2, Yearly , Garage Parking , Restaurant , Landlord

مخزن 35 متر للتخزين فقط
Surface Area: 35 m2, Monthly , Electric Shutters , Garage Parking , Supermarket , Landlord

مجدي الشويكي
Surface Area: 130 m2, Yearly , Storage , Landlord

مخازن للإيجار عدد 2 طلعة قاعة امواج -مقابل مطعم القدس
Surface Area: 100 m2, Yearly , Garage Parking , Restaurant , Landlord

مخزن للايجار
Surface Area: 45 m2, Yearly , Mosque , Landlord

العاصي اريحا
Surface Area: 70 m2, Monthly , Garage Parking , Supermarket , Landlord
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