Warehouses For Rent in Nablus



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Real Estate for Rent
Warehouses for Rent
Eatern Industrial Area
مخزن للايجار بالقرب من دوار عزموط
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مخزن للايجار بالقرب من دوار عزموط

Surface Area: 40 m2, Yearly , Landlord

Nablus, Eatern Industrial Area
icon phone9725971600XX
6,276 ILS
مخازن للايجار بالقرب من مفرق عزموط -سالم-دير الحطب
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مخازن للايجار بالقرب من مفرق عزموط -سالم-دير الحطب

Surface Area: 130 m2, Yearly , Landlord

Nablus, Eatern Industrial Area
icon phone05971600XX
28,765 ILS

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مخازن للإيجار
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مخازن للإيجار

Surface Area: 88 m2, Yearly , School , Landlord

Hebron, Dura
icon phone05922208XX
25,000 ILS
مخزن للايجار
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مخزن للايجار

Surface Area: 270 m2, Monthly , Garage Parking , School , Landlord

Bethlehem, Irtas
icon phone9725226093XX
1,800 ILS
4مخازن للايجار مساحة كبيرة
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4مخازن للايجار مساحة كبيرة

Surface Area: 300 m2, Yearly , Landlord

Hebron, AlShaeaba
icon phone05698848XX
52,299 ILS
مخازن للايجار
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مخازن للايجار

Surface Area: 50 m2, Monthly , Built in Wardrobes , Storage , Supermarket , Landlord

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Al Baloue
icon phone05986743XX
800 ILS
مخزن للايجار
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مخزن للايجار

Surface Area: 45 m2, Yearly , Mosque , Landlord

Hebron, Alhawuz Alawl
icon phone9725984832XX
10,460 ILS
مخزن 80م للإيجار في الخليل الحاووز الثاني خلف المهندس سنتر
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مخزن 80م للإيجار في الخليل الحاووز الثاني خلف المهندس سنتر

Surface Area: 80 m2, Monthly , Electric Shutters , Facilities for the Disabled , School , Landlord

Hebron, Alhawuz Althaani
icon phone9725692768XX
99,999 ILS
مجدي الشويكي
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مجدي الشويكي

Surface Area: 130 m2, Yearly , Storage , Landlord

Hebron, Bir AlMahjir
icon phone9725992787XX
20,920 ILS
مخازن للايجار موقع مميز وحيوي
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مخازن للايجار موقع مميز وحيوي

Surface Area: 100 m2, Yearly , Garage Parking , Restaurant , Landlord

Hebron, Beit Ummar
icon phone9725981534XX
30,000 ILS
مخزن 35 متر للتخزين فقط
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مخزن 35 متر للتخزين فقط

Surface Area: 35 m2, Monthly , Electric Shutters , Garage Parking , Supermarket , Landlord

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Al Masyoon
icon phone9725973343XX
1,250 ILS

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How many apartments for rent are on Opensooq Palestine Nablus Eatern Industrial Area?

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How many real estate agents are on opensooq Palestine Nablus Eatern Industrial Area?

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How many furnished apartments for rent in Palestine Nablus Eatern Industrial Area?

Number of furnished apartments for rent in Palestine Nablus Eatern Industrial Area is 1