Jobs in Palestine




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Pedaya, Salfit

Industrial & Retail production Engineer Full Time - Salfit

Industrial & Retail, production Engineer
احمد عبدالله احمد علي احمد
احمد عبدالله احمد علي احمد
Beitunia, Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Administrative Support Administrative Assistant Full Time - Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Administrative Support, Administrative Assistant
علي المهدي
علي المهدي
Ramiz Abu safi
Industrial & Retail

رامز ابو صافي

Hebron, Beit Ula
Production Worker
راني رامي محمد ابوصاع
Drivers & Delivery

راني ابوصاع

Current: توصيل in لا اعلم
احمد حمدان
Technicians & Craftsmen

Ahmad Ahmad

Ramallah and Al-Bireh
Current: دهان بلاط الخ in مقاول
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محمد خالد محمود طالب

محمد طالب

Jenin, Al Zababida
Chef - Cook
Sereen Ladadweh
Administrative Support

Sereen Ladadweh

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Al Mazra'a Al Gharbiya
Administrative Assistant
Zeina Surakji
Accounting & Finance

زينه سركجي

Nablus, Hayfa St.
SEO Specialist
Al Masyoon, Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Hospitality Waiter - Waitress Full Time - Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Hospitality, Waiter - Waitress
ocean grand hotel
ocean grand hotel
Downtown, Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Senior WordPress Developer – Freelance

Engineering, Software Engineer
Downtown, Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Administrative Support Secretary Full Time - Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Administrative Support, Secretary
الاتحاد العام لنقابات عمال فلسطين
الاتحاد العام لنقابات عمال فلسطين
عصام حيف

عصام حيف

Hebron, Nuba
Sales Agent
Al Mintaqa Al Sinaeia, Jenin

Technicians & Craftsmen Loading & Unloading Worker Freelance - Jenin

Technicians & Craftsmen, Loading & Unloading Worker

Majeda Toukhy

Nablus, Balata
Sales Agent
اسراء خضر
Accounting & Finance

اسراء خضر

Hebron, Tarqumiyah
Accounting & Finance

Amera Kalbonah

Nablus, Northern Mount
Zaina Hamdan

Zaina Hamdan

حاتم داود

حاتم جراب

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Ein Musbah
Other, Hebron

Sales Handcrafts Full Time - Hebron

Sales, Handcrafts
Mustafa ahmaro
Mustafa ahmaro
عامر قرابصه

عامر قرابصه

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Ein Arik
Current: مشغل كمبيوتر in بنك الاردن
ابراهيم احمد ابراهيم حماد
Accounting & Finance

ابراهيم حماد

Salfit, Kufr Al-Dik
Current: ضابط ائتماني in الفلسطينية للسيارت
Jifna, Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Sales Sales Agent Full Time - Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Sales, Sales Agent
faraj Daloul
faraj Daloul
نزيه صقر نزيه ابو زهرة
Administrative Support

Nazeh Abu Zahra

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Al Masyoon
Administrative Assistant
Jamma'in, Nablus

Drivers & Delivery Truck Driver Full Time - Nablus

Drivers & Delivery, Truck Driver
zaytona company
zaytona company
Rujeib, Nablus

Industrial & Retail Handcrafts Freelance - Nablus

Industrial & Retail, Handcrafts
محمد سليمان جبر حنتولي
محمد سليمان جبر حنتولي
علاء رائد الزغير

علاء الزغير

Hebron, Alharas
Sales Agent
Pedaya, Salfit

Industrial & Retail production Engineer Full Time - Salfit

Industrial & Retail, production Engineer
احمد عبدالله احمد علي احمد
احمد عبدالله احمد علي احمد
رائد تمام

رائد تمام

Nablus, Wadi Al-Toffah
Customer Care Representative
Rafidia, Nablus

Customer Service Telesales Agent Full Time - Nablus

Customer Service, Telesales Agent
شركة سهم المعرفة
شركة سهم المعرفة
Al Irsal St., Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Drivers & Delivery Delivery Full Time - Ramallah and Al-Bireh

Drivers & Delivery, Delivery
ماهر سعدة
ماهر سعدة

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