Warehouses For Rent in Jenin



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Warehouses for Rent

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مخازن للايجار
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مخازن للايجار

Surface Area: 400 m2, Yearly , Restaurant , Landlord

Nablus, Deir Sharaf
icon phone9725992014XX
15,690 ILS
مخازن للايجار
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مخازن للايجار

Surface Area: 200 m2, Landlord

Hebron, Issa
icon phone05992765XX
44,455 ILS
مخازن للايجار
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مخازن للايجار

Surface Area: 50 m2, Monthly , Built in Wardrobes , Storage , Supermarket , Landlord

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Al Baloue
icon phone05986743XX
800 ILS
مخزن للاجار في ام شرايط سعر 1300 شيقل
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مخزن للاجار في ام شرايط سعر 1300 شيقل

Surface Area: 80 m2, Yearly , Garage Parking , Agent

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Um AlSharayit
icon phone05975125XX
1,300 ILS
مخازن للايجار مع مصفات في حي الاقصى
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مخازن للايجار مع مصفات في حي الاقصى

Surface Area: 60 m2, Yearly , Garage Parking , School , Landlord

Tulkarm, Shuweika
icon phone05990000XX
1,000 ILS
مخزن للايجار
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مخزن للايجار

Surface Area: 45 m2, Yearly , Mosque , Landlord

Hebron, Alhawuz Alawl
icon phone9725984832XX
10,460 ILS
مخزن للايجار في بيتونيا 17
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مخزن للايجار في بيتونيا 17

Surface Area: 50 m2, Monthly , Landlord

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Beitunia
icon phone9725986192XX
800 ILS
حسام سلامه  ابو ايهم
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حسام سلامه ابو ايهم

Surface Area: 120 m2, Monthly , Private Pool , Security , Landlord

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Birzeit
icon phone9725991209XX
3,500 ILS
محل تجاري للاجار
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محل تجاري للاجار

Surface Area: 50 m2, Monthly , Restaurant , Landlord

Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Beitunia
icon phone05690344XX
2,968 ILS

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